The Kati Sol Trio’s musical show, “Fall Foliage at 3 Creeks Winery,” promises to be a captivating and harmonious experience amidst the beautiful backdrop of autumn’s splendor. This much-anticipated event blends the soulful melodies of Kati Sol’s enchanting vocals with the rhythmic precision of her talented bandmates. As the sun dips below the horizon and the leaves take on their brilliant hues, the audience at 3 Creeks Winery will be serenaded by a delightful fusion of jazz and romantic influences. The combination of Kati Sol trio, the winery’s picturesque vineyard setting, and the seasonal allure of the fall foliage creates an atmosphere that is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who attend. “Fall Foliage at 3 Creeks Winery” promises an unforgettable evening of music and natural beauty.